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Advertise an item FOR SALE or WANTED

Note: Small ads are posted for two months before they are removed automatically.

For Sale

Do you have something sat around collecting dust or you are reminded it is still lying there every time you stub your toe or tread on it in your slippers?

This is your opportunity as a club member to pass it on to other members who will remember you each time they stub their toe or sneeze.

The REOC is not responsible for any anxiety for those who later regret having relinquished dust collecting and toe stubbing items.


Do you yearn to have something sat around collecting dust or remind you it is there every time you stub your toe or tread on it in your slippers?
This is your opportunity as a club member to ask other members for that item.

The REOC is not responsible for clouds of dust when stubbing toes on items acquired through the wanted adverts.

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