Club Contacts

REOC Club Contacts

Drop us a line using our website based email tool that will allow you to send an email from anywhere in the world from the Royal Enfield Owners Club website. Please remember that all club officers are unpaid volunteers, many of whom have to juggle their duties for the club with a full time job and home life.  So please be patient if you do not get an immediate response.

Use the drop-down list of club contacts at the top of the form to choose the contact responsible for the subject relating to the query that you have. Don’t just use the “Chairman” selection unless you need to speak specifically to the club Chairman. Choosing the right contact will help us respond to you more quickly.

  • Chairman – Robert Murdoch
  • Archivist – Robert Murdoch
  • Branch Coordinator – John Barnard
  • Club Sales – Barbara Harrison
  • General Secretary – TBD
  • Machine Dating – JD
  • MAG Representative – John Budgen
  • Magazine Distribution – Graham Scarth
  • Magazine Editor – Doug Young
  • Membership Secretary – Teresa Langley
  • Social Secretary – Neil Davis
  • Treasurer – TBD
  • Website Manager – Sean Keogh

REOC Contact Tool

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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